Three 60 minute Coaching Calls

To help you get to where you need and want to be

2. Does any of this sound like you?

If so, you're in the right place!

You want to feel in control and have direction again

You’re a driven, caring, and empathetic person. But lately you feel burnt out, feel like your emotions are out of your control, or you feel like you cannot make decisions and are directionless.

You wish you had direction, control of your emotions and NO MORE burn out.

4. The only problem is...

  • You feel like you have no time to work on your OWN problems.
  • You don’t know where to start to solve these problems.
  • You feel overwhelmed with emotions, choices, or any other feeling you may be experiencing.

You wish you could wave a magic wand and feel in control, with direction, and full of passion again.

Imagine If...

Imagine that you feel like you have patience, direction, and passion again

That's exactly why I created my private coaching calls to work with and help people exactly like YOU.

…to help you reset, feel balanced, and work on your emotions without paying an arm and a leg.

Testimonials from followers and subscribers on Instagram:
"Thank you so much for being who you are. I love following you and you make me feel seen."
Instagram Follower

9. Before 1 on 1 Coaching Calls

After Coaching Calls

"I just submitted my two weeks' notice today [...] It was really hard for me, but I KNOW that I am not a bad teacher or person for removing myself from a bad situation. I've loved following your account [...] you're amazing!"
Instagram Follower

When you work with me in 1 on 1 coaching, you will...

Inside the Coaching- Here's what you'll do:

Sign up for Calls

You will sign up for your first coaching call with me and we will begin to make a game plan for you to achieve your goals.

Step 2

You will receive “homework” and other activities to help you grow outside of our coaching calls (and you will also have access to contact me outside of coaching hours!)

Step 3

You will meet back with me every 3-4 weeks to check in, re-evaluate, and work on whatever you need to in order to achieve your goals!

13. Here's how I'll support you:

  • Monthly Coaching Calls (3 calls for 3 months) where ask me your questions, we can set goals, and we can refine goals as needed.
  • A Facebook Group that I’m personally in every weekday to review your questions, give you community support, and give you personalized feedback.
  • Workbooks, journal prompts, action steps, tutorials, readings and templates after each call so you always know exactly how to implement what you’re learning.

1 on 1 Coaching Calls

For a clearer and calmer future

60 minute Coaching Calls (individual)


3 Coaching Calls Bundle


Hurry! I will be limiting Coaching Calls after February for the arrival of the newest member of our family

"I wanted to tell you I started my [antidepressant] today. I'm nervous but also excited to see my life turn around. I am so grateful for the fact that you share your life and journey with everybody I wish more people did."
Instagram Follower

Here's how it works:

1. Choose a payment option

Schedule with me on Calendly and pay in full for the most savings for 3 coaching calls, or be billed per month for coaching call (or calls). Once you choose your payment plan you’ll be redirected to the secure checkout page. You can pay your credit card or Paypal.

2. Check your email for all the details.

Once you schedule your call, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of our first meeting. You will set up future calls after our first call. You will also receive a welcome email and link to the Facebook Group Page.

3. Get started!

Start your coaching call with me and then do the work. You can move at your own pace (you’re never behind) but you’ll also have me popping in to see updates. I also suggest weekly “journal” prompts that you share with me, updating me on how your journey is going (I provide adequate feedback!)

Join Risk Free

If for any reason you are dissatisfied with the services, we can discuss together a full refund within the first 30 days of purchase. You can read the full terms and conditions here.

[link to your Terms + Conditions page where you will have outlined the same refund policy.]

15. Questions People Ask Before Joining

A. This is totally up to you! If you want to do more calls with me, by all means. I hope by 3 months time though that we have adequately met your goals and needs for you to move onto the next steps solo!

A. I am so sorry to hear this! Some programs are the right for some people, while others are not. As someone who has a background in education, therapy, mental health and motherhood, I feel qualified to discuss these issues and help others who are looking for help in these areas of their life. Personally and professionally, I have been through it before and know what it takes to get out of a funk, re-align yourself and career and establish new goals. If this sounds like the type of coaching you need, sign up for a FREE 20 minute coaching call (on my home page) and we can discuss your needs in more depth.

A. I understand how tough money is. As someone who left their career with no plans laid out, I have certainly had to penny pinch over the last year. I unfortunately need to make an income and charge what I feel is fair, but this does not mean that I am not flexible. So please feel free to email me at to discuss payment plans, financial worries, etc. and I would be more than happy to work with you. I do not want money to be the only thing limiting you from reaching your goals.

A. I will of course honor any unplanned events that come up. Please try to keep me informed if you have any big plans (move, baby on the way, etc.) that might get in the way of our 3 month timeline. I am flexible and will be willing to work with you if you communicate with me!

A. I will do my best to reschedule you ASAP! I know things come up and I know that life happens. However, if you could give me 24 hours notice, that would be great! If not, again, I understand. If I need to cancel for any reason and you cannot reschedule, a full refund for that session will be issued.

A. This is fine and I will absolutely try to meet you where you are at! I have changed my mind one thousand times this past year alone on the direction of my website, page, career, and life! It happens and I am happy to help you through this process to set you up for success. While we may have less coaching calls to discuss the new goal, I will be happy to try to assist you with it as much as I can.

Have a question I didn’t answer here? Email me at

17. Why I Created Program

Hi, I’m Lauren, and I created these 1 on 1 coaching calls because I have been in your shoes before.

It is so incredibly hard when you are burnt out, directionless, and feel at your wits end with loved ones. I know exactly how it feels and I was able to help myself out of this funk through LOTS AND LOTS of self-learning, classes, books, and coaching calls.

However, we don’t all have the luxury of time on our hands to go searching for the magic cure all for our ailments. That’s why I decided to design these 1 on 1 coaching calls with you to help you gain clarity, direction, and to have an empathetic ear to talk to. I want you to feel as happy, purposeful, and balanced as I feel today.

That’s what I’ll help you do inside my program.

You can do this even if...

You feel you have no time

I can help by working around your schedule and meeting with you after hours

You have no idea where to start

This is the hardest feeling–and I have been there. I am your sounding board and willing to help you figure out your path.

You feel stuck

I have felt stuck before, and it was the lead cause to my hopelessness feeling. No one should feel this way, and I can help you brainstorm ways out of this.

At this point I've given you all the information I have to help you decide if 1 on 1 Coaching with me is the right next step for you. 

Remember, I am limiting my number of coaching calls after the month of Feburary!

If you’re still on the fence, just send me an email at and let me know what’s holding you back and I’ll let you know if I think you’re a good fit or not since 1 on 1 Coaching isn’t right for everyone.

I can’t wait to help you find your patience and passion again!